2025 Spring Season
When is the Skills Assessment?
February 1st at 10am weather pending. No Skills assessments for Pre-Ball players.
What does the Skills Assessment entail?
The Skills Assessment is NOT a tryout. It is simply an opportunity for all the coaches in each respective division to review the skill level of each player in an effort to divide the teams equally based on their experience and ability.
When do the games begin?
Opening Day is March 1st
How long is the season?
The last regular season game is scheduled for May 18th. The following week will be the post season tournament.
What days will practices be on?
During the Spring, the park schedules practices on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays and Saturdays (Saturdays before season starts). Friday and Sunday practices may be scheduled by request of the individual coaches. Final schedules cannot be determined until we know the number of kids and teams we will have.
What days will games be on?
During the Spring, games will be played a combination of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's (possibly Friday it needed). Final schedules cannot be determined until we know the number of kids and teams we will have.
What times will practices be held?
During the week, practices and games will be scheduled in 2 one and half hour blocks. The first block is at 6:00 and the second block is a 7:30. The park does its best to schedule early and late practices as equally as possible. Saturday practices prior to the Season, will be handled similar as the weekday practices beginning at 10:00 AM, but will last 2 hours. Exception...Preball practices will only be 1 hour long. All practices are up to the teams coach.
What times will games start?
During the week, most nights will have 2 games per evening. Generally, the first game of the evening will start at 6:00 PM. Preball (3/4) games will be 1 hour in length. Shetland (5/6) games will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. Pinto (7/8) games will be 1 hour and 20 minutes. Mustang (9/10) games will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. Bronco (11/12) and Pony (13/14) games will be 1 hour and 45 minutes. The second game of the night will begin promptly 15 minutes after the first games ends (or earlier if the first game ran over). As with the practice schedule, all effort is made to schedule early and late games as equally as possible.
What does the Park provide?
Your registration fees cover the use of the field and maintenance, umpires, jersey and hat. Your individual coach decides the remaining items of the uniform (pants, belt and socks). Depending on the coach, that may be purchased individually or as a group. General cost for those items are approximately $35 to $50.
What type of equipment is needed?
The only items required is glove and helmet and bat, however cleats are recommended.
What type of bat can be used?
Bats must meet 1.15 BPF bat standard and must possess the manufacture’s certification stamp (1.15 BPF).
Also, bats with the USA Baseball manufacture’s certification stamp are approved for league play. Only USA
Baseball bats are allowed in All-Star District and State Tournaments
What is the refund policy?
No refunds will be granted after skills assessments.
When will the teams be assigned?
The week after the skills assessment, coaches will equally divide the teams and begin notifying parents via text,
email or phone call. Notifications will be complete the first full week of February.